One must have patience
Is the beginning of a poem by Rainer Maria Rilke. As he said: Some things take time. So do we. All the more reason for us to launch our NEW WEBSITE NOW.
Find joy in the wealth of sobriety
„Find joy in the wealth of sobriety.“ is a fundamental quote by dutch furniture designer and architect Gerrit Rietveld (1888-1964) in which he describes his basic attitude to his design work. The constructivist idea of his furniture and the idea of a close connection between object and space inspired us to develop the furniture for […]
Coinciding with the opening of the exhibition ‚imPOSSIBLE? The magic of wishes‘ also opens the #GRIMMAtelier in the Grimmwelt Kassel. For the #GRIMMAtelier we designed a spatial situation, table, stools and benches as well as a storage situation and a presentation possibility for the works created. „The exhibition explores the magic of wishes in a […]
imPOSSIBLE? The magic of wishes
A world of wishes awaits the visitors – dreams of the future, wishing, and cursing. The new special exhibition is about imagination and the self-evidence of the impossible in fairy tales but also about one’s own wishes, thought experiments and trying things out.