Coinciding with the opening of the exhibition ‚imPOSSIBLE? The magic of wishes‘ also opens the #GRIMMAtelier in the Grimmwelt Kassel. For the #GRIMMAtelier we designed a spatial situation, table, stools and benches as well as a storage situation and a presentation possibility for the works created.
„The exhibition explores the magic of wishes in a variety of ways: playfully, scientifically and artistically, and with the help of the Brothers Grimm, of course, whose collection of fairy tales touch upon a wide range of wishes. Getting involved and expressing your own wishes are very encouraged and are very much a part of the exhibition concept. Even before you enter the exhibition space itself, you’ll be able to get creative in the #GRIMMAtelier where you can visualise a wish and, if you’d like, take home a self-made lucky charm.“ /// Grimmwelt Kassel