- Title RGB
- Client self-initiated
- Year 2015
- Material steel, glass, porcelain
- Available at Available at GK COLLECTION

The design of the RGB Vases demonstrates that with the clash of forms and colours the plates can develop a completely new aesthetic dimension. In the stack, the colours of the glass plates mix with each other and create a luminous play of colours. The individual plates become part of the whole – a new form. The perception of the singular plates changes in the overall context.

RGB vases
The objects of the series RGB are an unconventional assemblage of glass plates in the three different colours. All glass plates are used and come from private households: they are gathered and rearranged. In everyday life, plate piles are created unintentionally and for pragmatic reasons: piled for washing up in the sink or stashed in the cupboard. The design of the RGB Vases demonstrates that with the clash of forms and colours the plates can develop a completely new aesthetic dimension. In the stack, the colours of the glass plates mix with each other and create a luminous play of colours. The individual plates become part of the whole – a new form. The perception of the singular plates changes in the overall context. Each object is unique. Each time a different selection of plates is piled in a new combination. In this way, the most different characters are created: stringent compositions, lush towers or even figurative forms. After the PILA collection for Rosenthal 2014, the RGB vases are the second design made of stacked plates.
Die RGB Vasenobjekte sind eine ungewöhnliche Assemblage von Glastellern in drei verschiedenen Farben. Die verwendeten Teller sind gebraucht und kommen aus Sammlungen privater Hasuhalte. Der Entwurf RGB zeigt, dass sich im Aufeinander-treffen von Formen, Geschichten und Zeiten eine ganz neue ästhetische Dimension entwickeln kann: die einzelnen Teller werden zum Bauteil eines Ganzen – zu einer neuen Form. Die Wahrnehmung eines einzelnen Tellers verändert sich im Gesamt-zusammenhang. Jedes Objekt ist ein Unikat, die Teller werden jedesmal in einer neuen Auswahl und Kombination aufeinander gestapelt. So entstehen unterschiedlichste Charaktere: strenge Anordnungen, üppige Türme oder gar figürliche Formen.