
  • Title Remember
  • Client LucyBalu
  • Year 2022
  • Dimensions H 230 mm
    Ø 130 mm
  • Material porcelain

The minimalist urn REMEMBER offers cat owners the possibility of keeping their beloved pet present even after its death. After the burial of the wooden part, the porcelain part remains in your home. As a stylish vase, this design piece acts as a place of remembrance.

„We made it our goal to design a small piece of art that does the process of mourning and its meaningfulness justice while remaining quiet and preserving a stillness at the same time.“

REMEMBER for LucyBalu

REMEBER is a minimalist urns for cats and other small pets. The glazed porcelain dome encases the wooden core. That way you can´t draw any conclusions about the purpose of the urn, at first glance. The two-piece urn is designed to accompanies you through the most difficult days, weeks, months, … until you are ready to let go. The biodegradable wooden core of the urn can be used to bury the ashes if you choose to do so after the initial phase of mourning. The porcelain part of the urn, on the other hand, will remain with you after the burial and find its place in your home as a stylish vase. That way, you can keep your beloved pet close to you in fond memory.

Lucy Balu

German Version


REMEMBER ist eine minimalistische Urne für Katzen und andere kleinere Haustiere. Die glasierte Porzellanhaube ummantelt den Holzkern, wodurch die Urne auf den ersten Blick keine Rückschlüsse auf die eigentliche Funktion des Produktes zulässt. Die zweiteilige Urne begleitet dich in den schwersten Tagen, Wochen, Monaten, … Bis du schließlich bereit bist loszulassen. Entschließt du dich nach der aktiven Phase der Trauer dazu, die Asche zu bestatten, dient hierzu das ökologisch abbaubare Holzgefäß. Das Porzellanteil der Urne hingegen bleibt dir nach einer Bestattung erhalten und findet als stilvolle Vase seinen Platz in deinem Zuhause. So kannst du deinen Liebling in inniger Erinnerung ganz nah bei dir behalten.

Lucy Balu